
We worship together in-person and via livestream every Sunday at 11 a.m.

To Watch the Service:
Head to: http://facebook.com/gracelutheranhubbard or
http://gracehubbard.org to watch!
You can also go to either of these places to watch the recording after the service. You can even do a Watch Party on Facebook to invite friends to church with you!

To Listen by Phone:
1) Dial: 330-568-5987
2) You will hear “Thank you for calling Grace Lutheran Church Hubbard. If you would like to receive a phone call when Grace Lutheran Church Hubbard is live, please press 1 now. Or just wait on the line for the stream.”
3) Please be patient as it may take several seconds for the service to start.
If you cannot listen live at 11 am on Sunday mornings, a recording of the worship service remains available at the above phone number until the next Sunday. You can call anytime day or night.

We gather every Sunday morning to connect with God and each other through worship, and you are more than welcome to join in!  You don't have to have the Bible memorized or be a perfect person to come here -- just come as you are!  God is happy for you to be here, and so are we. Children are welcome in the church service.  We also have "Busy Bags" available for the kids, with coloring pages, pipe cleaners, and other fun activities inside.

The worship service at Grace usually follows the traditional Lutheran liturgy, with communion offered every Sunday.  Music is usually accompanied by the organ or piano.

At communion, we have both wine and grape juice available.  We also have rice wafers available for folks with wheat allergies.  The communion table is open to everyone who wishes to receive Christ's body and blood.

2017-02-29 - The Band - File May 20, 3 35 40 PM.jpeg