Learn & Grow

For all ages, Grace has ways to learn more about God, and to grow in faith and character.

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Younger Kids (Preschool through 6th grades) enjoy our Sunday School Program, which meets Labor Day through Memorial Day, the first Sunday of each month.  We start with Music at 9:45a, followed by the lesson at 10:00a.  We’re welcoming adults and older youth to sign up to help as a team of 2 or 3 people per week.


Youth in 7th and 8th grades (or a bit older or younger) can be part of our cooperative Confirmation classes, where they learn more about the faith and make it their own. 

Adults of all ages can join in Men of Grace, Women of Grace, Choir, or any of our other activities.

However you get involved, you will grow closer to God, the community, and the mission that God has for you in this world!